Our Village Hall used to be a former school that was gifted to the parishioners of Brookthorpe in the early 20th Century. The purpose of the gift being to benefit the community by providing a venue for activities and entertainment for all to enjoy.
Registered as a charity in 1949, a committee of Trustees were appointed and runs to this day.
This building is full of character and a fantastic place to hold parties, meetings, events, social clubs and much more.
It has lovely grounds around the hall, a secure fence around the back and a car park for 15 cars.
Volunteers Needed
Anyone who can spare some time would be warmly welcome. We are a small, friendly committee and in order to keep the hall running and ensuring it remains a space for the community, we need your help.
Please email: brookthorpevillagehall@gmail.com
Yoga Every Thursday
Join Annet for her weekly Yoga sessions on a Thursday at 2.30pm.
For more information please contact Annet direct on 07811304884